Sunday, December 25, 2022

banned from facebook as a lower race

Israel has a double deal with Scholl nazis to destroy constitutional businesses, good workers, artisans as well, and avantgarde artists - nothing new with verizon.

Hitler anti Weimar brothel circuit.

Monday, December 19, 2022



I would like to present the following issues, understanding that, what I refer to as 
"extreme" , " persecution" and " line of concentration"  are war atrocities.should you need clarification, contact the Office of I telligence and the Department of Defense, hell, X - files : 

1. There is an extreme hate, belief, prejudice development that has been working its way within europolitics since the clinton administration;

2. This trend has led to extensive persecution of all citizens, in particular US by way of line of concentration;

3. that this line has been decried, today, as engaged in by georgia miloni, and cohorts, who seized power in Italia on 9.25.2022 and 
has been using nazi terminology and greetings in the latest europarliament meet regarding the next budget;

4. that the intention of 3. is to seize ALL CITIZENS who she refers to as 
"disadapted" , citizens with psychological/ psychiatric  issues, even in the US and mass murder them : won.t you join that particular bandwagon. 

as a consequence I think it.s best to veer toward cannabis/ vitamin B and opium and  derivatives,  found by writers such as William Burroughs as having the least deleterious effect on human biology with the exception of addiction- for treatment of situations such as PTSD and involve the FDA in banning neuroleptics for damage done to the neurological system. thorazine was; 


engage citizens in education on war atrocities, to effectively  counteract them;


to declare   euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary, extraconstitutional, and redistrict US territory in states that have allowed for such legislation to pass,with the urgency this situation entails.


insure if needed home care doesn.t wear its scrubs outdoors or clunk a person with a residential address to seize its lodgings for a future sliding ease in blitzkriegging the US


I just don.t want to hear it ANYMORE.

good job on the trend for reduced stay in hospitals, 

Season.s Greetings,

Alex Maffei

Saturday, November 26, 2022

heroic distancing

Bertold Brecht- Three Penny Opera heroic distancing. an acting technique to keep you from dying of pity or systemic collapse.

Friday, November 18, 2022


fraud, publishing: 

code: calamandrei, piero: the rosetta stone of complicated relationships within writers, publishers and straightforward textual alterations to claim author was anything and everything other than he was, to insert lynch mob pleasers sharing views and genocidal ops against the name: Piero Calamandrei, or, earlier, Dante Alighieri


refused fascist citizenship, antifascist during world war two, intellectual, lectured Harvard University.

just like indro montanelli, a fascist  journalist was ripristinated as communist during the berlusconi maastricht univocal, and now shows fascists resembling him at Rainews24, now Calamandrei as a name, to kill and alter writings of constitutionalist , egalitarian writers is making an appearance.

Please cut n paste and pass on to ALL PUBLISHERS WORLD WIDE.

this is EPOCHAL, since they started using scottish last names for intellectual theft,  crown coupist.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Putrid Passing Plan Plops Ploy for Arson in Auburndale

Putrid Passing Plan Plops Ploy from 196.36 45th ave auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358. the inhabitant self avowed genocidal terrorist claiming to distribute the black plague and to be contaminated from it shows herself while I smoke a cig outside in perfect non swollen black patched death mask.did not check if barefoot or pregnant.usual ambulance run ploy. did feign with a contact real estate HUD foreclosure licensed real estate agent call for arson of two of my real props, with call from 917. 776.4664 organized through sandra marzella AGAIN, for fraud.connection to arson from karma martell un employee, connected to maria leon, sexual partner of both commanders NYPD and UN politicos , cannibal market, jackson heights. Hung up after 40 mins on phone when real estate web spy claimed he would give me his firm.s name by email.please. @ 11.19am 11.16.2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Automatic Bank Payments from banks at risk

automatic payments from banks at risk from marzella/ hughues new york in connecticut/ boston, massachusetts. work through neighborhood contact: 196.32 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing NYC NY 11358 ; Inside bank job: bank of america, bell blvd, slightly north of northern which may have repercussions on Merryl Lynch financial portfolios; Businesses: The New York Times.refuses to send bills, will doctor account ; at and t, direct tv : anticipated payment post facto from November 5, 2022 to November 2, 2022 to ruin credit for now; document, deed burners: neighbors, 196 37/39 45th ave Auburndale/ Flushing area, 11358; Collusion within NYPD : 111 precinct NYPD did not look into any complaint if open fire burning from 37/39 at 37/39 and more, since 2010.

italian movimento cinque stelle is organizing groups to colonize US, for extreme removal, prejudice

Italian movimento cinque stelle , a cover for reaction to late 1700s wars of independence through extreme hate,extreme belief begin to organize local group presence members through "president" conte, who boasted of cannibalizing my father, post mortem, for being american. Williamsburg inserted florio- automotive, arts, diplomacy Chamberlain, culture goebbels, bourbon crown/ fasano - extreme abduction, Joe Pesci - plan on colonizing US. Hochul NY GOV welcomes them. 11.15.2022 @ 11:35am

Loss of life, substance extreme threat residential areas

loss of life, substance extreme threat residential areas: for same euthanasia/ cannibal markets in Italia, Vermont, Maine, Washington DC , Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Washington, California: New York City: East Village, Manhattan; Brooklyn: Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Bushwick. organized by current arts residents, in Greenpoint peter zaremba, marilla palmer: music, visual, film/ theater: hollywood. They arrange loss of substance within juridical, through false arrests. Zaremba/ Palmer.s contact to liquidate real property is donald trump and george w bush, jena bush hagen. areas heavily infiltrated by crown spies, and considered the most liberal worldwide. Use of line of concentration then seizure also through psych.

lynch mob, coffee and cigarette news, 11.15.2022 @ 5.25am

their reality, by way of line of concentration: I.m a terrorist NY governor hochul: this state is far too liberal when it comes to Alex Maffei; US president biden: Is she a terrorist? YES!!! Then kill her! Last 24 hours: Your house is more be; a Spanish citizen; English crown: how is it possible one person AND A WOMAN owning a house and LIVING ALONE! black plague scare; Threats of bacterial infection; contributions from the ' liberal' East Village mindset: She.s a pedophile; Richard Hell: I.m for Patti Smith in this.we don.t want you here! Well, I.m with the people in this! Who knows, maybe I.ll run for elections! Patti Smith: no I will! I have more political preparation than you, Richard! Richard Hell fan constituency: we don.t want you in the East Village because Italian. No Spanish okay.but Italian? And German? And poor? Oh no we have to skim off the fat of countless millions of citizens Richard Hell and Patti Smith have passed information about throughout the years. The Strand bookstore: we want them gone! The poor and the ethnic! We want english crown to read our books not you! Biden: I overall agree with this! Oh okay, you run! What.s the use.she.s a woman, how far can she get with this Italy? Miloni, position varied within the Italian administration, all in one president, premier and house whip: I am a woman and... Richard Hell: a privy reply, and on and on... I.m here pointing a gun to your head; When will she run? Insistence I kill children, small ferals and tenants for the big boss nextdoor; I threaten her daily with death threats! I. m with the marines on this! So what we kill children nobody wants! - last spring/ summer: I.m with the FBI in this! Biden: well, using certified techniques to stop this thing... 196.40 45 ave Auburndale/ flushing nyc ny 11358 East Village, the terrorist claimants in Auburndale: WE HATE YOU UKRAINE! YOU.RE SO POOR! WHAT IS A RESIDTANCE MOVEMENT FOR BUT TO PASS AS DEMOCRATS AT THE END TO REINSERT AND DO IT AGAIN! john lydon, first punk rock wave - content: citizens opposing administration connected extraconstitutional exclusions from work, based on civil rights: yeah, right! England to the English! Do they know Europe is also exclusionary? reply: no I don.t think so,we can book them on flights, have them done in by putin, then seize their estates and split among us! It.ll be solid takings... OH, MY GOD! SHE.S REPEATING THIS VERBATIM! Let.s say she.s spying on us! Biden: there I.m good... Biden, contacted by Ukrainian President: well, we don.t want to support you.I spoke to several generals, ready to withdraw our support and let Kiev fall.are you ready to split the take? My reality: on my front door stoop enjoying early morning with an espresso and a cigarette, thinking: door stoop bistro, with a smile on my face, prepping to start the day with the trillion things I have to do that been addressed by agencies, businesses and federal ,such as: where is my latest covid payment? And why hasn.t my phone ring for two telephone interviews with the HRA? No sweat, I.ll just reschedule... and, wow, winter.s here.I just turned on the heat at 62 degrees fresh! 11.15.2022 @ 5.16am

Monday, November 14, 2022

sleep stage is anti inflammatory , anti bacterial and antiviral

support pets informers of who requests or values emotional support animals or service animals. line of concentration, for extreme prejudice, then removal: RE: mail, email, affected. Issues letters for EMO need, housing and travel. local neighborhood connection : state farm home insurance agent; extreme prejudice caretakers at 196.37/39 45th avenue, auburndale nyc ny 11358. associated: maria unteras, animalist , serial killer 3408 43rd street astoria nyc ny 11101. backed by schultz real estate. 11.14.2022 @ 7.31am

monaco house, english house both in coupist collusion with hochul

monaco house, english house both in coupist collusion with hochul 11.14.2022 @6.59am

Sunday, October 9, 2022



Sunday, October 2, 2022

no Survivors: legs invading US with trump as leader

Lega reported to be invading the states led by North Carolina now. Trump put them in his apartments after clearing them out putting the people in basements throughout the city for extreme prejudice.had them substituted by lookalikes. In new york by Saturday at the latest. Will eat my eyes first because an artist.bush behind the invasion as well. bill clinton led the carolinas contingent. policy: no survivors. my mother.s sisters plan on invading the states filling cars and van with hungry human mauling dogs. air raids may also be involved. Lega reported to be invading the states led by North Carolina now. Trump put them in his apartments after clearing them out putting the people in basements throughout the city for extreme prejudice.had them substituted by lookalikes. In new york by Saturday at the latest. Will eat my eyes first because an artist.bush behind the invasion as well.

Sunday, September 11, 2022


9.11.2022 @ 9.00am 


Sunday, September 4, 2022

targeting citizens: crown slavery and cannibalism, for overthrowal of world democratic republics

targeting citizens for crown slavery and  cannibalism, to reclaim land for imperial crown: 

9.4.2022 - condalisa rice with zimbabwe  contacts; 

rice has interests in bayside hills area; 

auburndale area, new york city : grey cafe, confederate slavist backed by con ed, chemical dessiccants, food poisonings,home break-ins, cannibalism of toddlers,children of citizens for crown. 

prime location for toddlers: 196.37/39 45th ave aubundale nyc ny 11358, backed by NYPD, 111 PRECINCT; 

for 6-10 year old, 196.40 45 ave, auburndale nyc ny 11358. same backing.

196.27/29 45th older girl, younger girl.older 7-8 , you get just out of toddlerhood; 

196.49 45th ave provides child pornography , 111 precinct NYPD cover, and silencing through long island jewish, psych.

made complaints for over 12 years no response.
I come back home to a mail ox pried from my wall , electric wire everywhere, a cut gutter. 911 response team claims it s the wind.

Italy may have turned concealedly fascist.

It's government channel uses races to indicate the organizing of san babilini - milanese fascist- in Miami beach through Patrizia Sammartino, hollywood through Fabiola Sammartino for human hunts, during refugee situation they describe as - tolgo il disturbo- Toodles-. Fascist salute is reason for a two year imprisonment sentence. But see what my reality is, what RAI.s reality is?

Zambia: Obama.s province, through condalisa rice.

Queens Community Board 11 : reapportioning land for clinton. needs the drain of citizens slow.

gloria steinem, ms magazine editor in chief.confederate slavist, for english crown. Epurates documentations of w bush, hall family,steinem working on mine.

My grandfather.s correct  emigration records at ellis island are gone, dates of my scholarship at queens collage cuny altered, my name listed as Lucia June Maffei at the HRA, with an open cash assistance and medical case unavailable to me, my founding member brick from museum of women in the arts in washington d.c. gone, done by steinem's team.

No ballot receipt from the Italian consulate in new york city;

August 3, thug from reception at Italian cultural institute tried to drag me in after assaulting me to store me downstairs for their cannibal coopt.

Covered by the 19th precinct on 68th street.

Patrizia Sammartino claims insertion within cia ranks through george w bush. Bush is betraying the republic to english crown, direct contact of sammartino.s through diplomatic  ranks involved in child cannibalism , targeting gay as a race through racially profiling ,either altering children's faces as the original hedwig in hedwig and the angry inch, or targeting those features when you d.witnessed personally at penn station, english crown.s clearing house of abducted senior citizens and child citizens. 196.40 45th auburndale queens nyc ny 11358  is george w bush, and his wife.s clearing house of 7 to 10 year olds,through welsh.s jellies and jams.

Harlem serves as clearinghouse for clinton/ english crown capture/ and secessionist slavist tendencies. New York.s african american population has been offered a role in enslavement even of family members.child at two/three chose to cannibalize it's just born brother. Queens Public Library at Central branch hosts these teams.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

biden ready to sell auburndale/ bayside new york city areas to prince william as british propectorate.

biden backed for cession of US to prince william as a British protectorate, bribed $200,000.00 on 8.13.2022 for tb,bacterial distribution in Auburndale/ bayside area New York City.

Backed by the 111 precinct NYPD, officers baron and ehrlich behind line of concentration in operation since 5.00am 8.13.2022. 

Money came from brothel called - the orphanage- harming Italia and its citizen since 1860.

Car parked in front of my house.

precinct insured disinfecting units for itself,not citizens.they want more control of these brothels the placed in this immediate neighborhood.officer baron sustains this, backed by  queens surrogate court judge kelly.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

babies with guns

Belfast Six, New York City

Babies with Guns 
researched from Google Images

Monday, August 8, 2022

what it means to be a game for english crown

Lack of receipt of the Newyorker dated 8.15.2022; block by citibank offshore indian female employee to proper accounting  records for payment of po box occurred 8.3.2022 to corner my mail for kelly surrogate court, and coordination kelly queens community board 11. 


1. Lack of timely delivery of The Newyorker . Have not received 8.15.2022 issue before 8.8.2022;

2. 1.888.248.4226 citibank call 12.02-12.26pm female, india offshore:

A. The 111 precinct involved, is redoctoring my accounts to have me lose po box 546, nyc ny 10003 to have all my mail controlled for fraud in surrogate court ( kelly) , postal fraud by queens community board 11, ( kelly) , use of my citibank account for money laundering purposes by prince william in bayside through maureen rambottom  at folan real estate, pregnant with his child, 196.40 45avenue auburndale nyc ny 11358; at citibank branch on 14th street brown williams real estate, infiltration of st nick.s personnel as security at citibank on 14th street, and staff involved in doing favors to dutch slave trade/ reform church, episcopalian church, prince harry through his wife, an unmarried woman.s hotel west on 14th.

The customer service personnel was oddly removed from the call,severely put upon for having to deal with customers. 

As act of extreme enmity, lack, prejudice:

1. Refused to begin an investigation within bank records as to check being processed, to defraud me of an additional $101.00 paid on 8.3.2022 to usps at cooper station new york city ny 10003. 

2. Claimed wanted to put stop payment on check which I did not request;

3. Was incomprehensible during most of the conversation; stopped speaking at inappropriate times; did not respond to me at all unless I called it to her attention; was incomprehensible about 75 percent of the time, willingly.

Other houses involved: 37/39 45th ave; 
27/29; 28; 40.

rambottom and others use a line of concentration to frenzy animals including insects to attack all humans.

For harry/ williams" I.m a game" 



bitch went right for my throat and air passages, the burn on my skin like nervine and all I did was open the door.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

body of complaint - one of his dress made since 2010, not one responded to in my favor.the ultimate sitting dux castle, hungary, hapsburg crown job

Often.seems a pattern after 6.00pm. Always outside when I am. Also: the stroller.s the same.the child left outside front door for cover. I was bothered two times already by false arrest lieutenant headed teams abducting people to mental hospitals from the 111th.these complaints are anonymous. Please insure my safety,victims rights and victims assistance funds.

Often.seems a pattern after 6.00pm. Always outside when I am. Also: the stroller.s the same.the child left outside front door for cover. I was bothered two times already by false arrest lieutenant headed teams abducting people to mental hospitals from the 111th.these complaints are anonymous. Please insure my safety,victims rights and victims assistance funds.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Outside for less than 3 seconds 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale nyc ny 11358 comes barreling out with latest toddler capture

I hightailed it right back in in less than 2 seconds. they were expecting me outside, to water the lawn. I have no idea why they need me. Abuse such as my house is theirs, I.m culpable of, and abuse of the child,death threats, cannibalization ensue usually by blonde with glasses.

This morning to avoid crowds I started watering at 6.00am.within five minutes older male was out.he walked NE then ce back pulled a car from east driveway, looking at me from drivers seat. I switched quadrants: backyard. Went back blonde looked at me,older male back or parallel, did not look at me, female had placed cellphone on bricks came back for it, looking at me, no one
Then blonde reappears, looking at me,  said something about " communists" on cellphone, went away, came back looking at me. lost count of the back and forth.

Clambered eventually in her cellar doored dungeon after feeling up potted plants.

At say at 4.35am 8.7.2022 :

A lieutenant NYPD or a private number calls me claiming to be so - claims his rank is what determined the call.says complaint made to IAB was resolved with incompetence of person involved, new hire. I ask : has a detective been assigned the complaint- involving 37/39, 4646 bell blvd - I explained break ins,deaths, substitutions,trespassing in both homes. Was responded no, there was no one assigned to a two week old complaint preceded by a two month old complaint regarding the trespassers at my home.

No prob, I.ll call you. Sliding the light fantastic right to IAB, as of this minute.






I hightailed it right back in in less than 2 seconds. they were expecting me outside, to water the lawn. I have no idea why they need me. Abuse such as my house is theirs, I.m culpable of, and abuse of the child,death threats, cannibalization ensue usually by blonde with glasses.

This morning to avoid crowds I started watering at 6.00am.within five minutes older male was out.he walked NE then ce back pulled a car from east driveway, looking at me from drivers seat. I switched quadrants: backyard. Went back blonde looked at me,older male back or parallel, did not look at me, female had placed cellphone on bricks came back for it, looking at me, no one
Then blonde reappears, looking at me,  said something about " communists" on cellphone, went away, came back looking at me. lost count of the back and forth.

Clambered eventually in her cellar doored dungeon after feeling up potted plants.

At say at 4.35am 8.7.2022 :

A lieutenant NYPD or a private number calls me claiming to be so - claims his rank is what determined the call.says complaint made to IAB was resolved with incompetence of person involved, new hire. I ask : has a detective been assigned the complaint- involving 37/39, 4646 bell blvd - I explained break ins,deaths, substitutions,trespassing in both homes. Was responded no, there was no one assigned to a two week old complaint preceded by a two month old complaint regarding the trespassers at my home.

No prob, I.ll call you. Sliding the light fantastic right to IAB, as of this minute.

In the meantime: 196 37/39 45th avenue ,the stucco house
Is a contact of emma fasano, and antonello florio - the latter the producer of gun club.s first album, a gesuit slavist who promise to brothel me when I get to Italy for being a " communist " based on a network of crown spies infiltrating liberal politics they belong to. 

At the 111 NYPD officer ehrlich and the lieutenant are involved in covering for the stucco  cannibal/ whorehouse - don.t respect anonymity of complaints and plan to wreck my premises with bugs. n the meantime: 196 37/39 45th avenue ,the stucco house
Is a contact of emma fasano, and antonello florio - the latter the producer of gun club.s first album, a gesuit slavist who promise to brothel me when I get to Italy for being a " communist " based on a network of crown spies infiltrating liberal politics they belong to. 

At the 111 NYPD officer ehrlich and the lieutenant are involved in covering for the stucco  cannibal/ whorehouse - don.t respect anonymity of complaints and plan to wreck my premises with bugs. 

Friday, July 29, 2022



farmer.s fingers are bleeding in Cameroon, Western Gambia, near Syosset, on Long Island. Bird.s breaks are breaking from the dryness; cat.s feet burn- can.t run without skin tightening.

In farms cows nostrils are burning up- several casualties in Bayside alone for going out for a while day since yesterday- came back home, could not breathe,died. For bayside it.s a first- no deaths up until yesterday.

United States please help! We love you! Cat.s mouths are burning -  a dry frizz.

 Napoli Italia can.t breathe, feels this burn, same tightening of the skin. By Salo., people can.t breathe. In milanese offices you need to wash frequently, hands are showing cracks. 

Threats by hells angels- they want to disabuse other people.s children, even to the point of cannibalization, and in public,tired of democracy,want to be our masters.

Ferals stay out of sun and heat it makes the burn worse.

At The New York Times building people are burning up.

Bathrooms are dirty in hospitals, more than usual.

IT AIN.T COVID, IT.S MOLD: TODAY.S 7.29.2022 EXTREMELY HIGH mold spores, dust mite count in air: extremely high yesterday.s burn, Donatien de Sade.s Halloween by scapular arm cannibals 7.29.2022

IT AIN.T COVID, IT.S MOLD: TODAY.S 7.29.2022 EXTREMELY HIGH mold spores, dust mite count in air: extremely high yesterday.s burn, Donatien de Sade.s Halloween by scapular arm cannibals 7.29.2022


wash burning part of body with moisturizing soap, add antibacterial, antiviral essential or not oil - lavender, oregano- antiviral, basil - antibacterial. rinse within seconds until foam is clear, feels clean, airy and soft. then soap for twenty seconds. 

air quality predictions:
spores go down to low/moderate, extremely high 8.4.2022

spores.s mother mold goes back to high Tuesday 8.2.2022 -  Thursday 8.4.2022

and then it could be risin too, from plastic surgery of lord salisbury for prince william english crown child kidnapper at 196.40 45th avenue auburndale nyc ny 11358  there 

Monday, July 4, 2022



post vanished at 5.51am

responsible for the murder of Annemarie D.Aiuto and her son, second floor tenants at 4646 Bell Blvd,Bayside NYC NY 11361.

younger adult multiple at the apartment broadcast as planning to tazer me.

amplified response : " I can.t kill Italians? I can.t kill Italians?- followed by a commentary of doing just that, along with another statement declaring his ability to both travel with them, and travel with them in "boxes".

Another statement made:

" From Bayside with love" unknown source

from manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis self.declared English crown agent, - and from Great Neck, add that if she includes me in the statement- 

Portolatin, the captain of the 111 precinct, servicing the area, added his own signature to the audio get well postcard earlier.

the trespassers on the first floor, multiples in family roles, have been different all the times approached the building.

Prince William.s comment elicited from one the threat of a tazer attack, my body dragged in the apartment, and prepared as a cannibal meal for the prince.

said to be coadiuvated by st nick.s shrine, greek orthodox, which tolls the  Big Ben.s tube as its sound.

statements made after my mother.s death, which led me to approach the apartment, by whomever was there: 

the rent money is with the lawyer, you locked us out, moving at the end of June, moving after the Fourth of July, not moving, you stole, you threatened my " uncle" , a young adolescent with down syndrome. 

Last visit, when asked for the name of abusive interlocutor, posing as renter,  none was forthcoming.

the multiples have never matched once with the exception of an older woman, twice,resembling a child extreme abduction torturing, disfiguring ring operative on the northeastern seaboard, resembling a man who married into my mother.s family, a female member of queens community board 11, in newspapers, one recent photo of Mangano.s wife, looking nothing like Mangano.s wife in other pictures, and the man pictured in the photo.

Friday, June 24, 2022



Montauk/ East Hampton area : in danger of terrorist attack by george w bush, prince william - coordinated by auburndale area locals - 196.40 45th avenue, auburndale nyc ny 11358, 37/39; 36; 32; 27/29. Also a slew of tenants unknown on first floor of my property at 4646 bell blvd bayside nyc ny 11361 - please sue.  Not paying rent since 2018 because of realtor manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis at remax 159 northern blvd great neck ny who refuses to forward payment of trespassers he planted in my home from December to may and those mentioned at 4646 bell. The latter spied through a line of concentration on my reading montauk chamber of commerce vacation guide 2022 - please call the dept of defense - this is done to damage community and it's standards of living.these are mostly slavists cannibals extremely dangerous- child kidnappers and worse. 

They along with bush will claim I engage in terrorism and " have a base in montauk" .bush is already networking with like-minded locals that want to sho upot me to kill me.unknown reason for such persecution. done nothing to determine any action that could elicit such sentiments. their agenda, no one else.s. 

Thank you for putting me on your mailing list - I love the area, and the people living there. Montauk.s landscape is one of the most beautiful and emotionally resonant ever experienced. 

Since these attacks  are meant to destroy your independence, business and peace of mind, please contact both congress for legislative action and the Department of Defense: your livelihood and lives are at risk. And, from what I can witness even those who back bush and this terrorist team are ruined from the get go: they get corraled into prisons,used as slaves and can values regardless of their own cannibalization of others and real property or financial frauds. It must just be a mindset trying to impose on the world. The worst since yesterday is 196.40 45th ave: they use a multiple murder and cannibal six year old fed a line by the 111NYPD  precinct.s captain, portolatin to act like a lookout, tried to stun and abduct me at a local 7/11, expressed such sentiments as wanting the keys to my front door, me as their slave, under threat of death, and worse. 

Please stay safe. And insure your safety and financial wellbeing through the Dept of Defense. There is no reason your summer should be harmed by these should see the willed state of these enemy combatant homes: riddled with infrastructural caved inner wall air-conditioning units that distribute bacteria, have grounds full of biohazardous invasive plants - I started cleaning my yard in March, filled trash bags of  invasive plants, and worked grueling hours often from 6.00am to 2.00pm. even today it took me from 6.00am to 11.00am to rid roses of a fungus that suffocated them. I checked the internet and applied one tablespoon of baking soda, added hydrogen peroxide,used a 100% antibacterial nia soap solution as a binder- applied once.It was a pleasure to see black rot diminish and return the leaves to green. I wasn.t able to spray all,the sun was burning here by 10.00/11.00 am, but did water all plants involved,including two persimmon trees with a similar solution without the soapy binder.

In love and peace, Alex Maffei .

Monday, May 9, 2022

Invasive Plants

 did you know yellow irises are invasive? yours are neon green irises, blue irises are not, yellow irises are. and white petaled, yellow centered daisies, leuco something. wiped out 48 or my sweet smelling mint plants by scrum accum.

this is also gross: kudzu looks like an oxalis - irish clover - plant at first, then weeds and kills by targeting another plant.s root system and taking it over by eating it alive. There are some invasive root species that look like grass reed that grow straight down up to a point - about 3 inches the grow at any canny 90 degree syrian diaspora prison complex angle in a perfect horizontal invasive line. spooky. Invasive plants often resemble the plant they attack. Invasive are also responsible, here in the US, of the disappearance of 45,000.00 species.

Since April, ammassed about thirty + 30 gallon trash bags of same. 

dragon.s blood - horizontal ground cover, beautiful,small succulent leaves pointed, is imitated by a vertically growing weed with same shape, but flat leaves. Sick with overwork,  you.ll uproot both, I guess.

Saturday, May 7, 2022


BODY OF DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPLAINT 158366 BMJ - 5.7.2022 documenting plan to cannibal run me on 5.15.2022 and last will and testament, should anything happen. download was blocked.

After inspector general female agent, days ago,said on the phone " I.ll shoot you,you Jew." , at community council , 111 precinct, NYPD, a bearded to young male, fried, president of council, and portolatin discussed shooting me.IG agent from back yard of white home on 44th ave, portolatin captain of 111 precinct, who thinks he.s related to maria leon by "race" bearded from 196.40 45th - invited  de grou cannibals- my mother.s family as well to cannibalize me on a " nigger run"for him the n word means servant.  They want me to turn my real and other property to them , rent to who they want " or we.ll cannibalize you in public" .this is to happen on 5.15.2022, or any other 15 date given me of removal to another location by second floor trespasser, younger adult female. I can.t wait to have my home back. also this behavior is highly aberrant in this area.

my property is being invaded by a brothel at 4646 bell blvd, bayside nyc,ny - the original 2018  tenants gone , but same arrangement by remax 159 northern blvd.they still, after being fired on 12.17.2021, have not returned keys, documents, money, or my mother.s tax doc,necessary for compilation if taxes for 2021, in June - I requested an extension, it.s 5 me nths,sent remax a letter, which did not receive a reply. Under no circumstance will I comply with this war atrocity act. If anything happens, I want all real property connected to my father, Vincent Maffei, my mother,Emilia Maffei, myself, Alexandra Maffei to be turned into city gardens, or/ and before, an area clean out housed on my mentioned real property , used as study posts of local terrorism by   Dept of Defense, and other Depts of Defense, sharing a solid success rate of high Constitutional commitment in actions against all enemy combatants with aims to destroy egalitarian,independent, and free governments.  

Thanks, Alex Maffei

Saturday, April 16, 2022

no show easter 2022 for royals; boris johnson and genocode for illegal immigrants

Easter 2022: queen elizabeth will not attend easter services;

boris johnson, prime minister,  is shipping illegal immigrants to Rwanda, recently held culpable of genocide.