Saturday, August 13, 2022

biden ready to sell auburndale/ bayside new york city areas to prince william as british propectorate.

biden backed for cession of US to prince william as a British protectorate, bribed $200,000.00 on 8.13.2022 for tb,bacterial distribution in Auburndale/ bayside area New York City.

Backed by the 111 precinct NYPD, officers baron and ehrlich behind line of concentration in operation since 5.00am 8.13.2022. 

Money came from brothel called - the orphanage- harming Italia and its citizen since 1860.

Car parked in front of my house.

precinct insured disinfecting units for itself,not citizens.they want more control of these brothels the placed in this immediate neighborhood.officer baron sustains this, backed by  queens surrogate court judge kelly.

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