Sunday, February 11, 2024

7.40am 2.11.2024 audio genoserial mass murder terrorism attack unleashed follow throughout the day

Terrorism Brief Traffic Report :745am 2.11.2024

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7.44am 2.11.2024 extreme belief, hate, removal, labor exclusion, rape:

marcy.s playground : lead singer,  lita ford/ Ramones block. peter mittler, defrauded of my father.s house and one of creators of fraudulent probate at Queens surrogate 196.28 45 ave auburndale : 

audio genoserial mass murder assault: claims in shouting I.mmasturbsting to peter mittler. Known to them not me, that for Saint Kevin.s  I.m to be bothered regarding my sexuality. 

Biden and on contributing with radar/ sonar along same lines.

"we all want your death as a heresy" courtney love, lita ford

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