Wednesday, February 8, 2023

forbes subscription: another over for rover, $ saved

forbes subscriptions

main character: female,young,of perfect english descent, hates her american side.compensates by alienating me, in a Prepsy, Swopsy way. 

tone of voice, inflection: a hollywood bound northeastern seaboard quadrant valley girl 

1. pleasant and appropriate approach, resents yours; 

 2. asks me to spell my last name; 

3.  mumbles ' cotdaniel' .does not deny saying 
'cotdaniel' .just repeats the intro; 

4. says ' I am dissident ' .I ask her if she.s sending me to a filtration camp. a bit taken aback.

5. returns only $17.98 of my $20.00 subscription because the february/ march issue was sent.

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