Saturday, August 12, 2023

War Bulletin from New York City 8.12.2023

War Bulletin from New York City 8.12.2023 

Understanding the tompkins family - rauschenberg- within a jacksonian persecutory trajectory that practiced  genocidal harm  against indigenous peoples and, as of late the socialite hunt that new york arts turned out to be through its base in the east village - tomkins square park being an area- during their height in the 70s with punk rock.

In the 60s, while destroying American Art , they seem to have wanted to pride themselves of being part of the network that substituted Simone Weil, whose philosophical thought seems to have gone as a consequence, toward a mystical justification of personal exchanges between warring parts: vietnam GIs and vietnamese whores, jewish maidens and their SS husband's during ww2.

The disappearance seems also to have been practiced through involuntary euthanasia within a psych hospital setting, something gaining momentum in the US at the present moment: contact dept of justice file civil rights complaints.

This situation is developing into an essay for study of structures enabling and organizing persecutory strategies , even within infiltrations of an urban planning system hosting migrants , I think.bayside is at a gruesome, budding state within this invasive structure, the chase led by the cunningham. With floridian terrorist and neapolitan crown fascist connections, the hendricks at east flushing library. The neapolitan staff is a direct connection to mussolini.s pozzuoli / san vittore, milano  prison complex base structured similarly to rikers jail, and responsible for the destruction and cannibalization of families of citizens by crown terrorism.

The infiltration at the 111 precinct secured its ministry of education secured base, an ex pink, now rose and stone ranch house further east on the block at 45 ave yesterday through an indonesian princess, swollen by cannibal ingestion, to do more of the same. The base was used by a tibetan / republican/ northern irish / jewish connection marshalled by the aka mittler. 

The other,a male, infiltrated as a bourbon  " master" at manhattan psych ,is a member of the de filippo family, princes in the neapolitan area, known, since the 1860s, for falsely arresting farmers to seize their land. Madonna Ciccone is part of this contingent.

Besides hendricks in the child library area- she.s given a child herpes and hasn.t washed for a year- there.s a family associated with staff at the IV istituto magistrale, in the Naples/ Bagnoli area, connected to a literature professor who fasano worked with in the C section from 75-79.

I guess, like trump, this will pass as well. Right now all it.s doing is passing gas and having pitney bowes send me my hra case info, all incorrect, and covered at boers in brooklyn by the house SW of 211th street and 50 ave in bayside hills.